The American people are justifiably furious at the outrageous behavior of TSA airport security employees, who lately have been subjecting the flying public to the kind of invasive groping that would be called sexual assault in any other setting. Were TSA's official "pat down" procedures even minimally effective at what its leadership claims to be their purpose--airline attack deterrence--there might be less reason for complaint. But they're not.
The obdurate refusal of TSA chief, John Pistole, as well as his boss, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, to acknowledge just who it is that has been launching plot after plot against the U.S. airline industry is the reason seniors with titanium knees, cancer survivors with prosthetic breasts, and screaming three-year olds have to be groped, stripped, and irradiated before getting on an airplane.
Flash to Napolitano and Pistole: Our enemy is all who work to impose Islamic law (shariah) whether by violence or stealth. Death by a thousand cuts, economic overload, constitutional gridlock, and national leadership failure are all part of that process.
P.S. They're winning.
100% of the 9/11 hijackers and 100% of those who sent them were Muslim jihadis. 100% of those involved in recent attack plots from Ft. Hood to Times Square to the Christmas day Northwest Air flight were Muslim jihadis. And if any additional identification were needed, the November 2010 copy of Al-Qa'eda's Inspire Magazine features a wonderfully detailed article entitled, "Operation Hemorrhage." In a refreshingly candid fashion, the author writes that President Obama "stood in front of the world with a terrified face announcing that his nation is being threatened by terrorism (i.e. real Islam)...."
So, the flying public knows that Muslim jihadis are the enemy, al-Qa'eda admits that what the non-Muslim world calls "terrorism" is in fact the "real Islam"....but America's leadership can't seem to get the words out. The result is not only additional frustration and fury in the airport security check-in lines, but far more detrimental to U.S. national security, utter, willful blindness about the Islamic jihadist enemy who tells us exactly what he intends to do and why he is doing it.....and then goes ahead and does it, essentially unimpeded by a target so concerned with political correctness (or petrified by fear), that we are incapable of mounting even an effective defense, much less going on the offense to challenge that enemy in any meaningful way.
Over and over again, TSA bans this substance, that substance, belatedly responding to the enemy's last attack, never able to get ahead of him. Until our national security leadership goes after the enemy and the enemy's ideology, not the enemy's paraphernalia, Americans will never be safe from Islamic jihad.